• The Healthworld Difference

    The beginning of Healthworld, April 19, 1983, is the shared birthday of Dr.s Gary and Joel Young, and was a fortuitous blessing, indeed. Working 7 days a week, no case was too difficult; no pain was too great for the ‘Young brothers’ to help.

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  • Nutrition

    At Healthworld, we create a simple and easy-to-follow first step that is an important and critical first step towards rebuilding a new and re-vitalized body, from the inside out!

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  • Chiropractic

    At Healthworld, Dr. Young has post-graduate training in sports medicine, and has successfully and effectively treated tens of thousands of fingers, toes, elbows, shoulders, knees, hips and wrists as well!

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  • Physical Therapy

    As a trained and certified chiropractic sports physician (see the Healthworld Difference section: Dr. Young’s credentials) using a wide variety of Physical Therapy equipment and tools, is really just: ‘part of the job.’

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  • Personal Trainer

    Dr. Gary Young has trained, hundreds of adults, kids, ‘weekend warriors’, and top athletes to a higher and much more productive level of athletic excellence than ever before!

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  • Online Store & Consultations

    And you have found a treasure trove of knowledge and it’s all yours to enjoy:
    CD’S- DVD’S- VIDEO CLIPS- T.V. Shows- RADIO SHOWS- Online Consultation Services and much more to come!

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  • International TV - Radio - Seminar Speaker

    Since the early 1980’s I have traveled the world giving series of lectures and seminars about the Martial Arts, Chiropractic, Sports Medicine, Exercise Physiology, Biochemical nutrition and Bible study.

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  • Martial Arts Instructor

    All of my training and all of my instructors have across the Board, earned my devoted respect. Yet, invariably a favorite emerges; one that goes deep in the heart and who defines true excellence in his art.

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  • Bible Teacher

    Born identical twins, to parents who were Jewish, from the Priestly Tribe of the Levites, on both sides, and can trace our lineage directly back to Moses and Aaron! (Who were both Levites too!)

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Dr Young takes away the pain..... i haven't felt this good in years. try him you will never regret it.
About three years ago, my best friend suggested Dr Young, when I told him about my back problems. The reputation of bad Chiropractors made me leery, but he assured me, I was in safe and sure hands. A couple of treatments brought me relief and when I told him about the problems I had with my Blood work because of Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma he immediately gave me some nutritional help and within 6 weeks, my Blood work was perfect and has remained so through this day. I had pneumonia last year and was told I may have a major lung problem. The Drs. wanted a CT scan then and another in 2 months. Dr. Young suggested for me to eat Broccoli every day, which I did and by the next CT scan, my lungs were clear. He has resolved every health problem I have asked him about and has maintained my health weekly.

Steve Edelman



RIchard Lewis


Dr. Gary Young has been my Doctor and Friend for over 20 years now...I have put a well-founded trust in his diagnostic and care abilities and have never been disappointed with the results. His knowledge, advice and genuine CARE have gone well past the scope of just a chiropractor or nutritionist, both of which he excels at. I came to Dr. Young at a time when I had suffered a traumatic back injury due to a hit and run accident - of which I was a victim. Numerous other doctors wrote me off - told me to give up my athletic dreams, change careers and "learn computers". Meeting Gary was pivotal at a crucial, vulnerable time of my life and he forever changed the scope of how I look at health and the ability of the human body to recover from almost anything with the proper care, attitude and faith. I thanked God then, and I thank God now for bringing Gary into my life.
Twenty years ago at the age of 40 I was referred to Dr. Gary Young by my brother because I was having shoulder pain. Dr. Young showed me innovative and inexpensive ways to solve my problem and since I had heard from my brother that he was also an expert in nutrition I asked him about a long time concern of mine. I told him my dad father died at 55 of a heart attack and my grandfather met the same fate at 49. Needless to say I never met my grandfather. I then shared my frustration of seeing most men be vibrant and in shape at 25 and at 55 mostly fat, stressed out and seemingly going downhill quickly. I asked him if there was a way to avoid this and not follow the pattern of my dad and grandfather. He said yes and asked me to do a blood test and urine analysis so he could show me the weaknesses and strengths of my system. I did so and the findings were mostly good but there was one area of concern. He told me toxins were building up in my kidneys and liver. I told him I hardly drank alcohol at all. He said it didn’t matter, that this area was the weakness in my system. I asked him what it meant. He said that if I continued to eat as I typically did that within 15 to 20 years ….. and then he said nothing. I said to him ‘You mean by then I will be dead.’ He looked at me in that soft knowing way of his and I flinched. I said ‘Okay, what do we need to do?’ He designed a diet according to my blood chemistry make up which I have followed religiously for 20 years. When we started he made me a promise that if I followed what he said, at age 85-90 I would be able to do 80% of everything I did at age 40. Needless to say I felt hopeful but also had great doubt. Now it is 20 years later and less than two months I will be 60. I can tell you everything Gary promised me has come true. I could write a long and expansive list of the huge benefits I have experienced but the main ones are: My immune system is so strong I rarely get sick and if I do I recover usually in an hour or two. I feel and look 20 or more years younger than my contemporaries. I have young children (9 and 4) and have no fear of becoming a doddering old man as they grow. I used to feel helpless and resigned to a slow decline in old age but I no longer feel concerned but rather fully confident that if I follow what Gary has shared with me my quality of life will be fun, strong and growing. This way of life takes work and commitment but to feel 35 when you are 60 is a great feeling. Thank you Dr. Young

Bon Kircher



Pat Sama


As a patient of Healthworld, I would, without any hesitation, recommend Dr. Gary Young to anyone who needs a chiropractor, nutritionist, or sports therapist. He is not about getting you in and out as soon as possible just so that he can treat the next patient. When you are being treated, you have his attention and he does what’s needed to get you better. He uses the latest technologies and is always furthering his knowledge in his field of study. Above all, he is a man of integrity and honesty who treats each patient as if they were part of his own family. There is no one else I would recommend.
I have been a patient of Dr Young for approx. 27 years. Throughout that time he has helped me with a myriad of health issues. These include, but are not limited to: back pain, weight loss, rehabbing from surgery, nutrition, counseling, etc. He is a man of great character and integrity. And I not only trust him with my own health, but more importantly to me, with the health of my wife and my 8 yr old daughter. I highly recommend him to anyone who wants to feel better and get healthier. This is NOT your typical doctor's office. Miracles happen here. I truly thank God for Dr Young. Sincerely, Ben Gentile and Family P.S. My daughter asked me to mention that she loves seeing little Magic each time we visit. She's a cutey!

Ben Gentile



Terence Twyne


I injured my knees several years ago. As a result, there was inflammation in the joints and walking became a bit painful. Dr. Young used one of the latest machines that passed electric current through the knee joints. There was a tingling sensation during each treatment and my knees always felt better after each visit. It was determined that I had injured my knees a year before in the gym due to improper form and excessive weight. At the end of the treatment, I would say my knees were 99% healed. I was walking again with complete flexibility and without pain and stiffness. A few months later, I was back in the gym and able to do leg extension exercises on the machines and working up to a good moderate weight. My knees are 100% healed.
A few years later, I injured my back on the job. It involved ruptured discs at the lowest point in my spine. Under Dr. Young's care, the inflammation in my lower back was reduced enough for the next phase. He adjusted my lower back in the office and immediately felt great relief and tremendous reduction in pain. Through his instructions in stretching, exercise and treatments in the office, using electric current, I was able to go back to work. I still use caution when lifting is involved but my back has not hindered me in any aspect of my daily activities. Dr. Young is a highly skilled and dedicated chiropractic physician. His knowledge of diet, nutrition and overall health is second to none. I highly recommend him to anyone who is injured and looking for a knowledgeable and dedicated physician. Or, to improve and strengthen your health, overall.

Terence Twyne



Lou Filippo


I was introduced to Dr's Gary & Joel Young at Healthworld by my friend, Glenn Reben, in June of 1983, three months after they started their practice. I had been out of work for a few months due to a work-related back injury and was not making any progress from the treatment I had been receiving. In consultation with them I was told that although I had come with a specific need, my well being was contingent upon attending to the needs of the whole person(thats me,body,soul and spirit). As I was receiving chiropractic and other treatment modalities for my back, all other concerns were addressed simultaneously. I had extensive blood work done which revealed a host of other imbalances in my body. One specific and very crucial abnormality was revealed, extremely high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides. Over time it was discovered that I was genetically predisposed to this condition. My body was unable to properly metabolize fats. I was truly blessed to be in the care of doctor's with a holistic approach to wellness. I probably would not be writing this testimony if this was condition was not revealed and I continued to pursue my approach to poor lifestyle choices. My cholesterol level at the time was just under 600 and my triglyceride level was somewhere between 1500 and 2000. With concern, support, compassion and a plan of action from Drs' Young, I was on the road to improving my health by implementing wholesome lifestyle choices with emphasis on developing intelligent eating techniques accompanied by complete and balanced nutritional supplementation, exercise, body strengthening and spiritual growth. I noticed a difference immediately in my attitude toward improving my health. I was losing weight, had more energy, lowered my lipid levels and had increased stamina with better posture an mobility. The key to my success was my willingness to embrace change that came as a result of the knowledge and understanding that was harvested in my heart through a relationship with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ and my brother's in Christ, Drs' Gary & Joel Young. I regained my life and health back from one that was filled with excesses, overindulgence and poor choices. My relationship with Gary & Joel at Healthworld is now in it's 29th year. I have made many lifelong friendships at Healthworld, have learned much about myself, I have become proactive in all areas of my life and most of all I am blessed beyond measure in my relationship with My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Thank you Gary & Joel for all that The Lord has blessed you with that you are both so willing to share. Amen



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