Bon Kircher
Twenty years ago at the age of 40 I was referred to Dr. Gary Young by my brother because I was having shoulder pain. Dr. Young showed me innovative and inexpensive ways to solve my problem and since I had heard from my brother that he was also an expert in nutrition I asked him about a long time concern of mine. I told him my dad father died at 55 of a heart attack and my grandfather met the same fate at 49. Needless to say I never met my grandfather. I then shared my frustration of seeing most men be vibrant and in shape at 25 and at 55 mostly fat, stressed out and seemingly going downhill quickly. I asked him if there was a way to avoid this and not follow the pattern of my dad and grandfather. He said yes and asked me to do a blood test and urine analysis so he could show me the weaknesses and strengths of my system. I did so and the findings were mostly good but there was one area of concern. He told me toxins were building up in my kidneys and liver. I told him I hardly drank alcohol at all. He said it didn’t matter, that this area was the weakness in my system. I asked him what it meant. He said that if I continued to eat as I typically did that within 15 to 20 years ….. and then he said nothing. I said to him ‘You mean by then I will be dead.’ He looked at me in that soft knowing way of his and I flinched. I said ‘Okay, what do we need to do?’ He designed a diet according to my blood chemistry make up which I have followed religiously for 20 years. When we started he made me a promise that if I followed what he said, at age 85-90 I would be able to do 80% of everything I did at age 40. Needless to say I felt hopeful but also had great doubt. Now it is 20 years later and less than two months I will be 60. I can tell you everything Gary promised me has come true. I could write a long and expansive list of the huge benefits I have experienced but the main ones are: My immune system is so strong I rarely get sick and if I do I recover usually in an hour or two. I feel and look 20 or more years younger than my contemporaries. I have young children (9 and 4) and have no fear of becoming a doddering old man as they grow. I used to feel helpless and resigned to a slow decline in old age but I no longer feel concerned but rather fully confident that if I follow what Gary has shared with me my quality of life will be fun, strong and growing. This way of life takes work and commitment but to feel 35 when you are 60 is a great feeling. Thank you Dr. Young